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Cityhall > Catalog >Phil's Spectre Ii - Another Wall Of Soundalikes Site Map | Prev ¦ Next
Artist: Various Artists
Title: Phil's Spectre Ii - Another Wall Of Soundalikes
Format: CD
Label: ACE - UK
Catalog Number:1059
Barcode:029667010528 itemnumber=1000022655
Price: $16.98  (All prices include domestic shipping.)
Release Date: 7/1/2005
Availability: Not Currently In Stock
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This volume contains two dozen recordings from the 1960s that owe their existence to the production and songwriting genius of Harvey Phillip Spector - although not one of them was actually written or produced by him. Many well-known names of the era are featured, with recordings made as far apart as Detroit, Atlanta and Los Angeles - all united in their desire to replicate the world's most famous wall of sound.

Additional Technical Information Available For This Album
Release Format: CD         
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This page was last updated: 09/20/24