City Hall Records Catalog

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Label LabelCode
T-boy Records/ume TYR
T-neck TNE
T-team Records TTR
T.f. TRF
T.k. Disco TKD
Taang TAA
Tabou1 TAB
Tact Out TAC
Take Flight Muzik TKF
Take It Acid Is TIA
Take Two TKE
Takoma TKA
Takoma TAK
Tall Tree TAL
Tamla TAM
Tanty TAN
Tao Music TAO
Tapestry TAP
Tapestry TAE
Taragon TRG
Tas Management, Llc. TSM
Teardrop TDP
Tee Vee TVE
Tekeli-li TEK
Telarc TLC
Tell Tales TLL
Tenacious TEN
Tender Tender Rush TND
Terra Nova - Uk TNA
Terra Nova Music TNM
Tetrachord Music TCH
Tetragrammaton TGM
The End Of All Music TEO
The La Sound TLA
The Phoenix TPN
The Rabbit Factory TBB
The Tracks TKS
The World In Chains TWC
Therapy Records THY
Theresa TSA
Third Man TRD
Third Man TMN
Third Man Records TMW
Third Man Records/columbia TMC
Third Star TDS
This Charming Man TCN
This Dark Reign TDG
Thizz Ent. THZ
Thizz Films & Music TZF
Thizz Nation THN
Thizz Nation Films THI
Thizz Nation/da' T THT
Thizz Nation/romp THR
Thizz Nation/sumo THS
Thizz Or Die TZD
Thizz/a.f.n.f. TNN
Thizzlamic Records THC
Thought Crimes TGC
Threshold TTT
Thrice Great Records TGT
Total: 147 : Showing 0 - 62 MoreNext
All text and graphics © 2000-2010 City Hall Records,San Rafael,CA - All Rights Reserved
This page was last updated: 03/28/25